Display Colors
different colors for various language elements such as functions and variables
gives you immediate visual cues about the structure of your source code. You
can change the default colors of these elements as well as the color of other
text in WinDbg, such as reserved words, breakpoints, and information windows.
{bmc bm4.MRB} To change the colors in the source
1. From the Options menu, choose Color. The Color
dialog box appears.
2. From the Items list select the item you want
to change. For this example, select Source Window.
3. Select the color square from the palette to
represent the foreground color. Press Set Foreground. The new color combination
is shown in the Items box.
4. Select the color square to represent the
background color from the palette shown. Press Set Background. The new color
combination is shown in the Items box.
5. Choose OK to apply the change to the source
window. You can change several items in the list before choosing OK.
{bmc bm4.MRB} To change the source window back to its
original colors
1. From the Options menu, choose Color.
2. From the Items list, select Source Window.
3. Choose Set Default.
4. Choose OK.
{bmc bm4.MRB} To change all windows back to their
default colors
1. From the Options menu, choose Color.
2. Choose Select All.
3. Choose Set Default.
4. Choose OK.